Friday, July 5, 2013

When you say nothing at all...

A thousand words to be heard, a thousand talks to be said,
As we move together in our life ahead.
Yet your silence covers it all,
Leaving me absolutely enthrall.

Unexpressed array of sentiments and a table of reveries
The unstated things down the lane of memories..
I comprehend it as your eyes speak,
The essence of our relationship unique and mystique!!

Your silence is as deep as ocean,
Enriching the passion and emotion;
As I look into your eyes,
Only to learn those words still unspoken.

You keep emotions buried under the floor;
But now I hear your silence,
As I enter in your world understanding it more.
Saying nothing sometimes says the most;
And I promise I will fulfill those unstated dreams of yours.

Silence is the speech of Love;
The music of the spheres above.
And so I promise to complete you;
Even when you say nothing at all!!!

P.S: This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.