Sunday, August 26, 2012

Women’s intimate health, should the issues remain hushed or is it time we spoke out?

Well, it happens in most part of the country even today when India boast of moving into 21st century - women are still subjected to obligations for doing house hold chores and dominance of man. No one  can be blamed for it but the society we are brought up into.

Women are still being subjected to pity of some.And when the question of her health arises it is still considered as it should not be discussed openly or in a simple language "its not good or ethical."

Thinking about this I fail to understand why that inhibition is still there when we all have educated people around. For instance, a girl cannot discuss about her adolescence age changes in front of her own family members. To get that knowledge she has to limit herself to her mother, sister or may be friends. Well i really do pity and feel sad because first of all she is just a child who is moving to her  adulthood and these changes sometimes confuse her and the attitude of society towards this leave her unanswered.

Changing of channels when the commercial talking about women hygiene comes creates a feeling in that young mind that there is something wrong in the health life cycle she is undergoing. In some cases I have even seen abandoning the child from leading a normal life in those days what she normally does thus, creating a myth in her and a inferiority complex for sure.Not only that because of all these girls sometimes get shy and introvert to discuss her health issues even with a doctor.

 Well when media has got into our brains so much and thanks to all the information it provides it sometimes lead to devastating results causing a life in danger. For instance a simple commercial on birth control pills leads to health hazards of many young girls due to the incomplete information and inhibition by them to discuss on this topic to anyone.

Though schools are focusing on sex education but still it is a topic of debate for many. I consider it as a necessary element to nurture the brain completely. Still in India around a million women every year risk their lives by doing illegal abortion just because of social taboos, family constraint, and  lack of awareness of the complete subject.

Again thanks to the social networking sites like facebook and twitter people have started discussing about some of the issues related to women health and hygiene but there again i come across those secret message like fill your birth month and color to spread the awareness of cancer among women.

I seriously question all people especially all women why we ourselves are making our lives to be under those secret hidden world when the world is moving far far beyond this. We have to nurture this society in such a way that India heads strong in this competitive world and all of us will agree that women play a vital role in this. Its high time now that we should discuss the topics related to our health and hygiene without any fear and shame. we should remove the blanket of darkness and start learning all the new things related to our health openly.

Its necessary so that next time we don't become the victim of certain social abuses and we as always will be proud of being a women.

This post is a part of the weekend blogging contest at in association with


  1. I really like the views you have put up here .. we are so living in a hypocritical world out there ..

  2. Hi,

    Can you please mail us at ASAP so that we can share the code ASAP.
